Claims processing systems took over the TPA industry and are currently the best way to process claims. Their simplification is the main feature that makes claims processing so fast and accurate. To help people process faster claims, DataGenix ClaimScape is also a very renowned software that provides several features ranging from preparing custom reports to eligibility check and broker management. In this article, we resolve the top FAQs that people are interested to know about the ClaimScape claims processing software. Q1. Can I use ClaimScape on smartphones? You can access the ClaimScape online dashboard on both iOS and Android smartphone devices. Q2. How does ClaimScape help improve customer experience? Using the software, you can send and schedule customer reminders. You can schedule emails and send timely reports. Uploading information and medical reports via the online dashboard is also very easy for any individual. Q3. Is ClaimScape safe? All the data s...
With amazing features to automate the entire adjudication process and support for different currencies and date formats, DataGenix ClaimScape is the most reliable healthcare claims management software.